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Paula S.

  • Senior Paralegal
  • Draft qualified retirement and welfare benefit plans
  • Document amendments to plans and trusts
  • Prepare summary plan descriptions and administrative forms
  • Assist clients with questions related to plan administration, including issues concerning eligibility, vesting, contributions, loans, distributions, etc.
  • Compile filings with the IRS to obtain rulings and determination letters on initial qualification, amendments, termination, plan mergers, etc.
  • Prepare and maintain procedural forms and documents for various aspects of retirement and welfare plan administration
  • Draft QDROs for family law clients and review proposed QDROs on behalf of retirement plan clients
  • As an assistant bank trust administrator
  • Draft qualified retirement and welfare benefit plans
  • Document amendments to plans and trusts
  • Prepare summary plan descriptions and administrative forms
  • Assist clients with questions related to plan administration, including issues concerning eligibility, vesting, contributions, loans, distributions, etc.
  • Compile filings with the IRS to obtain rulings and determination letters on initial qualification, amendments, termination, plan mergers, etc.
  • Prepare and maintain procedural forms and documents for various aspects of retirement and welfare plan administration
  • Draft QDROs for family law clients and review proposed QDROs on behalf of retirement plan clients
  • As an assistant bank trust administrator, assisted in all aspects of retirement plan administration, including, but not limited to, processing of disbursements and contributions, facilitating asset trades and transfers and monitoring overdrafts
Image for Paula S. Cosgrove

Paula S.

  • Senior Paralegal
Grand Rapids

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